Skip-A-Payment Qualifications

  1. The request for Skip-A-Payment should be received at least 10 business days before the due date which the member is applying to skip but no more than 30 days before the payment is due.
  2. The member must be in good standing and all loans must be current
  3. Members who have filed Bankruptcy or are in an active Bankruptcy do not qualify.
  4. A member may be approved for no more than two (2) Skip-A-Payments or extensions within a rolling twelve (12) month period.
  5. If a member is approved for the maximum of two (2) Skip-A-Payments in a rolling twelve (12) month period, the Skip-A-Payments must not be consecutive months (i.e. A Member may be approved for January and March skips but could not skip January and February or February and March).
  6. Loan must be over twelve (12) months old and at least twelve (12) payments made.
  7. The form must be signed by all parties on the loan and signatures must be verified. For signatures gathered through DocuSign, verification will be by means of an access code used to validate the signers.
  8. Skip-A-Payment are not offered on Lines of Credit, MasterCard, and Real Estate Home Loans including HELOC.

*Other restrictions may apply

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To apply or get more information, please visit a local branch or call 209-444-5300.

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